
Struggling to compete in todays competitive Talent market?

Thousands of agencies trust FlexTal to hire top developers, marketers, designers, and product and project managers.

Talent trusted by top agencies

Why FlexTal agencies?

We help agencies small and large hire global Talent

Trusted Talent

Our network consists of the top 3% of agency Talent, ensuring that you can easily scale up and down with no strings attached.

We match and guarantee

Our Customer Success Team works with you to understand your goals, needs, and team dynamics to match the perfect Talent for you.

Flexible, agile, and on demand

We quickly integrate our Talent into your agency. Our platform also allows you to quickly scale your team up or down with no strings attached.

Your most important work deserves the world's best Talent



Hire freelance marketers with expertise across email, paid, social, amazon, brand, SEO, content, programmatic, and more.

Popular Benefits

✓ Recruited for you
✓ Vetted for you
✓ Matched for you
✓ Unlimited rematches
✓ Cancel anytime



Hire freelance graphic, UI, UX, visual, content, interaction designers and a wide range of illustrators, animators, and more.

Popular Benefits

✓ Recruited for you
✓ Vetted for you
✓ Matched for you
✓ Unlimited rematches
✓ Cancel anytime



Hire freelance developers, coders, and architects with expertise across hundreds of languages and technologies.

Popular Benefits

✓ Recruited for you
✓ Vetted for you
✓ Matched for you
✓ Unlimited rematches
✓ Cancel anytime


Project Managers

Hire digital and technical project and product managers, scrum masters, and more across every tool and framework.

Popular Benefits

✓ Recruited for you
✓ Vetted for you
✓ Matched for you
✓ Unlimited rematches
✓ Cancel anytime

Network of trusted Agency Talent

Hire top Agency Talent right here, right now

How FlexTal works


Your Talent needs

An Expert from our team will meet with you to better understand your Flexible Talent details including role, skills, industry, location, price, etc.


Meet your matches

Within days, we'll send you Talent matches for you to review and interview. The average time to match Flexible Talent is 7-10 days.


They join your team

Start work with your new Flexible Talent and have peace of mind knowing that we offer unlimited rematches and you can cancel anytime.

Frequently asked questions

How much does FlexTal™ cost?

Because we have Talent worldwide, pricing can vary across several factors. We will work with you to find the right price for your work assignment.

What are your minimums?

We don’t necessarily have minimums. However, we will work with you to fully understand your specific requirements to establish a mutually beneficial arrangement.

How often will I be charged? How are payments and invoices handled?

We typically invoice our clients twice a month, though there is some flexibility here. Invoices are due upon receipt.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We currently accept all major credit cards, ACH, and bank wires.

How do we ensure that our IP is protected?

FlexTal enters into work agreements with every member of our network. Through these agreements, FlexTal obtains exclusive ownership of the work created by the talent that works with you. We then provide you with the intellectual property for the work that the Talent creates for you under our client agreement. This clean, simple, pass-through arrangement has worked well for our customers for many years. However, if you would like the Talent to enter into a direct agreement with you to effect the direct transfer of IP property, we can work with you to ensure that your needs are met.

Never struggle to find Agency Talent again

Quickly scale up and down with no strings attached